Neuro-Stomata / Botanical Synapses
2022-2024 - How can microstructures of plants
and brain cells can be related? What would botanical synapses look like in
the field of imagination?
In large urban centers, buildings, houses, roads and
infinite other structures have taken the place of nature. This fact, reflected and
continues to reflect drastically on the increase in pollution and,
consequently, a decline in health and a decrease in the quality of life,
in addition to impacts on the ozone layer.
Despite this, we have the potential to create new possibilities for
connect to Nature and, simultaneously, promote and prioritize the
awareness of environmental issues, highlighting the importance of
decision-making in relation to matters related to the environment.
From the observation of NEURONS, cells present in the brain that
enable the synapses, added to the observation of the STOMATES,
microstructures of great importance in the epidermis of plant leaves,
that allow evapotranspiration, perform gas exchange with the environment and contribute to the water balance of ecosystems, the
Neuro-Stomata multidisciplinary project - Botanical synapses in
urban environment, having art, microbiology and new technologies as a starting point.
The research will dialogue with other disciplines such as: botany, urban environmental management and BIOMIMETICS and technological inclusion.
The idea is to speculate on the creation of augmented reality and virtual reality identification points in the middle of the streets, with information for the population to reintegrate nature into the urban environment in a rhizomatic way, imagining ways to promote awareness about the terrestrial BIOME and contribute to reducing pollution in cities.
The development of the structural idea of the project will be carried out by research
interdisciplinary and by artistic means, with 3D-printed demonstrative models of cities, in addition to VR and AR, a hybrid work with immersion through emerging technologies.
In the project, the Stomata Core will be virtual awareness centers about the environment, with real-time information on goals achieved and objectives to be achieved for the terrestrial BIOME, they will also have exhibitions of artistic and scientific studies related to the environment of different communities: artistic, scientific and environmental activists.
Digital Dendrites
The branches of neurons responsible for
for transmitting information and nerve impulses. In the project, the
dendritic will be the virtual aerial gardens that interconnect to the
Stomata Core. In them, the cultivation of specific plants that can be
directly exposed to sunlight and contribute to air purification.
Rhizomatic Implantation
With development based on multiplicity, its implementation is
will initially branch into urban regions with a high rate of
pollution, expanding continuously in new directions, reaching new cities and cultures, the idea is to become planetary.
The project and research is under development and will be presented to artistic and governmental organizations in the state of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Amazonas and other capitals of Brazil, with the aim of expanding to other countries after its implementation.
Project Gallery