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Chromatic touch - oil painting on electronic touch screen (2022)

Digital paintings are increasingly part of the contemporary world and their introduction into the digital age has already been established. Using both techniques in the same research, physically bringing them together can provide a new perspective for painting on touch screens. 

While oil painting celebrates artistic tradition and the value of manual work, digital painting extols the versatility of technology and the ability to create highly detailed and dynamic representations. While one draws the viewer in with its sensory textures and urges them to connect with art on a more tangible level, the other fascinates with its scientific precision and interactive potential.

How these two forms of expression come together can lead us to deeper reflection. By connecting traditional and digital paintings of neurons, we are invited to contemplate the duality: the synthesis of art, which is ethereal and immaterial, with the mystery of science, which is concrete and tangible.

This series of paintings unites the analogue and the digital, the artistic and the scientific, to create a reflection on the techniques and bring them closer together. The intersection between human imagination and technological innovation allows for new horizons of understanding and creativity.

Working in atelie - sculptures (2018)
Branching structures in the
human body: Neurons, Iris and lung - 
installation with engraving tools and die pieces 


In the veins of carved wood, art emerges in deep and evocative engravings. In this harmony between mind and matter, the engraved lines intertwine like neuronal ramifications, lungs and iris.
The lungs, vital organs of breathing, find their artistic expression in the curves of carved wood. Engraved grooves resemble airways, capturing the constant flow of air that sustains our existence.
In this fusion between art and anatomy, wood engraving transcends simple visual representation. It becomes an echo of organic life, an invitation to explore the intricate mechanisms that keep us alive and connected to the world around us.

Brain roots- sculpture/ installation (2018)

The lying body seems to emerge from the earth, as if it were an extension of the roots that intertwine below the surface. The smooth shapes of the clay convey a sense of fluidity and growth, while the contours intertwine in an organic sense, mimicking the way roots extend and deepen in their quest for nourishment and support.

However, sculpture is not limited to a mere representation of nature. As our eyes travel across the figure, we are guided to a region that resonates with the complexity of the human intellect. The top of the head opens into an intricate network of ridges and ridges, reminiscent of the topography of a human brain.

Above the sculpture, a suspended tree makes up the installation environment and suggests a relationship with the sculpted form.

Mendonça_Rael-Project.Portfolio - .png
THREAT - 2023

Amidst the ashes that remain, the threat gradually advances. While you don't notice the smoke up close and the destruction caused by deforestation, many still question whether it is real.
In the THREAT series | Botanical Synapses, experimental visual connections correlate different structures, from micro to macro, between: neurons, ramified brain cells that perform the synapse, enabling intelligence, thought and language; the stomata, oval microstructures present in the epidermis of plants and trees, responsible for the exchange of gases in the environment and for evapotranspiration (transfer of water from the soil to a vapor state), which are of great importance for the hydrological cycle. In contrast, the visual representation of fires, environmental disasters that seriously affect our biome, contributing to the effects of global warming, air pollution, respiratory diseases and loss of biodiversity.
Through art, transformation can happen with the reforestation of ideas and perceptions, as our imagination enables new connections between the mind and nature, with a main objective: the awareness of our actions.

We can branch out in union with nature. We are part of it.

Rhizomatic expressions  -  installation (2020)

The hanging branches, in their disorderly and fluid structure, represent dispersed information in the contemporary world. Book pages, when gathered in this rhizome, symbolize the process of transforming information into knowledge, through reflection, understanding and connection between ideas.
Each suspended branch serves as a support for several pages of books arranged as loose leaves, standing out as windows to knowledge. The pages contain excerpts from different works, approaching different themes, such as science, philosophy, history and art. This mix of information represents the richness and plurality of human knowledge.
The artistic installation of branches hanging from book pages is an ode to the power of knowledge and the beauty of the interconnection between ideas. She emphasizes the importance of reflection and communication as driving forces in the expansion of human knowledge.

photographic record of immersive installation / video performance (2018)
MASKS - objects/ installation (2016)

Analyzing the meaning of the use of masks, especially in so-called 'primitive' and traditional societies, one can recognize that this object, far from hiding, reveals; that it removes the personal expression from the face, but manifests what in everyday life cannot be seen; that it serves, finally, to discover a certain meaning of the face that is beyond appearances: that meaning in which the living and individual face makes one forget and hide.
Masks are complex visual narratives whose function is to give a character a voice. Loaded with mystery and divinities, they make it possible for a moment to be "the other" who, with hidden and unimaginable powers, harmonizes with the group, which welcomes him in a time and space determined by cultural history.
The objective of this audiovisual work is to portray the different faces of the mask in video, installation and projection form, to provoke reflection on how many roles are played in everyday life that distance themselves from the real essence of each one. Rael developed tribal-inspired masks, and the group performed using them. Then the masks were exposed in an immersive installation with projection.

Group: Rael, Lilian, Michele, Ronan and Ana.

Bodily passages
Vision - series of drawings / mixed media

Branching lines made of India ink intertwine like veins of knowledge, exploring the visual system that connects us to the world. Each sketch is an ode to the complexity of perception, revealing deep layers of the eye and its translation on paper.
The lines cross and intertwine, imitating the shape and flexibility of the human iris, that structure that regulates the amount of light that enters our eyes.
Through detailed strokes, the work “Cristalino” dives into the world of crystalline. Here, the lines bend and squirm, reminiscent of a camera lens. Ink with various shades capture the flexibility of the crystalline lens, its ability to adapt to different distances. In the third work “Refracção” the inversion system unfolds. The lines break and bend, like beams of light bending as they pass through the lens. The carefully crafted curves and angles reflect the way light bends and forms images on our retina, opening the door to a world of colors and shapes.
Transmitted by our eyes and interpreted by our brain, the series presents components that make up the symphony of vision.

Branch Wings

The branch wings are born from my body, I escape the limitations of anatomy and gravity.
Twig wings, in their curious creation, embody the duality of human nature: the eagerness to escape everyday shackles and fly towards the horizons of imagination. This fusion of organic elements with the human form creates a deep connection, we connect with nature, we are intertwined.

The surrealism present in this series of images invites the viewer to dive into a metamorphosis, a visual poetry that whispers about the need to let go, to find our own voice and to fly beyond the limits that we ourselves impose. Art turns into wings.

Texture study photography

From lines that follow continuous flows, others come out that seek the path. In this series of drawings, the composition can suggest the movement and exploration of the surface of the paper. Dripping over two-dimensional angles.

In this serie of drawings, the lines come to life and intertwine like branches of a tree, weaving a web of connections between the human body and nature. The use of the smoothness of graphite and charcoal, with soft touches of white pastel chalk on the black sheets.
The delicate sketch evokes the idea of ​​an outline of existence, where each line is a clue to the complexity of the inner and outer world. The human body is depicted as arising from the branches of nature, suggesting an inherent symbiosis between body and environment.

Water Reflexes:
Watercolor Paintings on Glass – Dendritic Branching of Rivers

The series illustrates concepts of rivers unfolding as branched dendritic systems. The compositions explore the remarkable similarity between waterways and the dendritic structure that extends like veins on Earth.

Each watercolor brushstroke translates into a smooth reflection on the glass, creating a sense of fluidity and movement. The delicacy of the chosen colors - serene blues, earthy reds and light golden tones - evoke the tranquility and vitality of the rivers that meander through the landscape. As the colors blend together on the surface of the glass, an almost ethereal effect is achieved, reminding us of the intrinsic fluidity of water.

The choice of glass as the canvas for these watercolors adds an extra element of depth. The glass, with its transparency and brilliance, serves as a portal to an unfolding liquid world. The light passing through the watercolor colors and the glass seems to capture the luminosity of the water's surface.

This series of paintings transcends the traditional depiction of waterscapes. They not only capture the scenic aesthetics of rivers, but also the interconnection between nature and the mathematical patterns that echo in dendritic architecture.

Revitalized body - sculpture and branches
The other me - Drypoint engranving


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